- de Kleer, J. and Reiter, R. (1999) An improved incremental algorithm
for generating prime implicates (ps)
- de Kleer, J. and Brown, J.S. (1992) Model-based diagnosis in SOPHIE III.
In: Readings in Model-Based Diagnosis,
Hamscher, W., de Kleer, J. and Console, L., Morgan Kaufmann.
(pdf )
- de Kleer, J., O. Raiman,
Mark Shirley (1992) One Step Lookahead is Pretty Good, In: Readings in Model-Based Diagnosis, Hamscher, W., de Kleer, J. and
Console, L., Morgan Kaufmann. (ps)
- de
Kleer, J. (1992) Compiling devices: Locality in a TMS. In: Recent
advances in qualitative physics, B. Faltings and P. Struss (eds), MIT
Press, pp. 295-310. (scanned
pdf) Earlier version appeared in QR91.
- Mittal, J., Bobrow, D.G.,
and de Kleer, J. (1988) DARN: Toward a community memory for diagnosis and
repair tasks. In: Expert Systems: The User Interface, Hendler, J.A., Ablex.
de Kleer, J. (1986) Dependency Directed
Backtracking, Encyclopedia of Artificial
Intelligence, John Wiley. (scanned
de Kleer, J. (1986) Qualitative Physics, In: Encyclopedia of Artificial Intelligence, John Wiley. (scanned
de Kleer, J., Doyle, J., Rich, C., Steele Jr., G.L.,
and Sussman, G.J. (1985) AMORD, A Deductive Procedure System. In: Readings in Knowledge Representation, Brachman, R.J. and Levesque,
H.J. (eds), Morgan Kaufmann. Revision of MIT AI Memo 435.
de Kleer, J. and Doyle, J. (1983) Dependencies
and Assumptions, The Handbook of
Artificial Intelligence,
Barr, A. and Feigenbaum, E. (eds), Vol 2, pp. 72-76.
de Kleer, J. and Brown, J.S. (1983) Assumptions
and Ambiguities in Mechanistic Mental Models. In: Mental
Models, Gentner, G. and Collins, A.
Brown, J.S., Burton, D., and J.S. Brown (1982) Pedagogical,
natural language and knowledge engineering techniques in SOPHIE I, II and
III. In: Intelligent
Tutoring Systems, Sleeman, D. and Brown, J.S. (eds), Academic Press,
1982. (scanned pdf LARGE)
de Kleer, J. (1982) Mental Models of
Physical Mechanisms and their Acquisition. In Cognitive
Skills and their Acquisition, Anderson, J. (ed), Erlbaum, 1982. (scanned
de Kleer, J. (1975) Structural Knowledge in
Troubleshooting Circuits. In: Steps
toward a theoretical foundation
for complex knowledge-based CAI, Brown, J.S. (ed) Bolt Beranek and
Wiktor Piotrowski, Roni Stern, Yoni Sher, Jacob Le, Matthew Klenk,
Johan deKleer, and Shiwali Mohan, (2023) Learning to Operate in Open
Worlds by Adapting Planning Models In Proceedings of the 2023
International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems
(AAMAS '23). International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and
Multiagent Systems, Richland, SC, 2610–2612.
(pdf) (bibtex)
Ion Matei, Maksym Zhenirovsky, Johan de Kleer and Kai Goebel, (2023) Joint feedback control and fault diagnosis disambiguation
Annual Conference of the PHM Society
(pdf) (bibtex) Also in DX-2023.
- Ion Matei,
Anne Plochowietz,
Johan de Kleer, and
John S. Baras (2021) Micro-scale chiplet assembly control with chiplet-to-chiplet potential
60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control CDC 2021
(pdf) (bibtex)
- Morad Behandish,
John Maxwell, and
Johan de Kleer (2021) AI Research Associate for Early-Stage Scientific Discovery,
Proceedings of the AAAI 2021 Spring Symposium
(pdf) (bibtex)
- Wiktor Piotrowski and
Roni Stern and
Matthew Klenk and
Alexandre Perez and
Shiwali Mohan and
Johan de Kleer and
Jacob Le (2021) Playing Angry Birds with a Domain-Independent PDDL+ Planner,
ICAPS 2021
(pdf) (bibtex)
( demo )
- Ion Matei and
Maksym Zhenirovskyy and
Johan de Kleer and
Christoforos Somarakis and
John S. Baras (2020) Learning physical laws: the case of micron size particles in dielectric
2020 American Control Conference (ACC)
(pdf) (bibtex)
Alexander Feldman, Ingo Pill, Franz Wotawa, Ion Matei, and Johan de Kleer (2020) Efficient model-based diagnosis of sequential circuits
In Proceedings of the Thirty-Fourth Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI'20), New York, New York, pages 1-8, 2020.
(pdf) (bibtex)
- Ion Matei and
Raj Minhas and
Maksym Zhenirovskyy and
Johan de Kleer and
Rahul Rai
(2020) Deep Learning for Control: a non-Reinforcement Learning View
2020 American Control Conference (ACC)
(pdf) (bibtex)
- Alexander Feldman, Ion Matei, Emil Totev, and Johan de Kleer (2020) Analog accelerator for simulation and diagnostics In Proceedings of the Thirty-Second Conference on Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence (IAAI'20), New York, New York, pages 1-6.
(pdf) (bibtex)
- Ion Matei, Johan de Kleer, Alexander Feldman, Maksym Zhenirovskyy, and Rahul Rai (2019)
Classification based diagnosis: Integrating partial knowledge of the physical systems
In Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Society (PHM'19), Scottsdale, Arizona, USA, pages 1-8
(pdf) (bibtex)
- Ion Matei, Johan de Kleer, Maksym Zhenirovskyy and
Alexander Feldman (2019) Learning constitutive equations of physical components with predefined
feasibility conditions
2019 American Control Conference (ACC)
(pdf) (bibtex)
- John Maxwell, Johan de Kleer and Matthew Klenk (2019) Insane Design of Lumped Element Models,
Proceedings of the 32th Annual Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning (QR19)
(pdf) (bibtex)
- Ion Matei, Maksym Zhenirovskyy, Johan de Kleer, and Alexander Feldman (2019) A hybrid qualitative and quantitative diagnosis approach
In Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Society (PHM'19), Scottsdale, Arizona, USA, pages 1-8.
(pdf) (bibtex)
- Ion Matei,
Johan de Kleer,
Raj Minhas (2018) Learning constitutive equations of physical components with constraints
2018 American Control Conference (ACC)
(pdf) (bibtex)
- Ion Matei, Alexander Feldman,
Johan de Kleer,
Raj Minhas (2018) Model-based diagnosis: A frequency domain view
2018 IEEE International Conference on Prognostics and Health Management
(pdf) (bibtex)
- Ion Matei, Alexander Feldman,
Johan de Kleer,
(2018) Analog Implementation of Optimization Algorithms: A Distributed
Optimization View
57th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control pp. 7170-7175
(pdf) (bibtex)
- Ion Matei, Raj Minhas,
Johan de Kleer, Anurag Ganguli,
(2017) Improving state-action space exploration in reinforcement learning
using geometric properties
57th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control pp. 7170-7175
(pdf) (bibtex)
- Marzieh Nabi, Adam Arvay , Matthew Klenk, Gaurang Gavai, Daniel G. Bobrow and Johan de Kleer (2017) Position Article on Integrating Data and Model to Understand Disease Interactions
2017 IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics (ICHI)
(pdf) (bibtex)
- Johan de Kleer, Matthew Klenk, Alexander Feldman (2017) Diagnosing Alternative Facts Proceedings of the 28th Annual Workshop on Diagnosis (DX17)
(pdf) (bibtex)
- Matthew Klenk, Shiwali Mohan, Johan de Kleer, Daniel G. Bobrow, Tom Hinrichs, Ken Forbus (2017) Collaborative Autonomy through Analogical Comic Graphs Proceedings of the AAAI-17 Workshop on Human-Machine Collaborative Learning (pdf) (bibtex)
- Nuno Cardoso, Rui Abreu, Alexander Feldman, Johan de Kleer (2016) A Framework for Automatic Debugging of Functional and Degradation Failures ECAI 2016, pp. 569-576 (pdf)
- Saigopal Nelaturi, Johan de Kleer, Vadim Shapiro (2016) Combinatorial models for heterogeneous system composition and analysis SoSE 2016 (pdf)
- Matthew Klenk, Marzieh Nabi, Adam Arvay, Daniel G. Bobrow, Johan de Kleer,, Ion Matei (2016) Challenges in formulating explanatory models for co-morbidities Proceedings of the 29th Annual Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning (QR16) (pdf) (bibtex)
- Matthew Klenk, Johan de Kleer, Daniel G Bobrow, Ion Matei (2015) But where do we start? Qualitative initialization problem with quantitative models Proceedings of the 28th Annual Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning (QR15) (pdf) (bibtex)
- Rui Abreu, Daniel G. Bobrow, Hoda Eldardiry, Alexander Feldman, John Hanley, Tomonori Honda, Johan de Kleer, Alexandre Perez, Dave Archer, David Burke (2015) Diagnosing Advanced Persistent Threats: A Position Paper DX-2015 pp.193-200
- Ion Matei, Anurag Ganguli, Tomonori Honda, Johan de Kleer (2015) The Case for a Hybrid Approach to Diagnosis: A Railway Switch DX-2015, pp. 225-234 (pdf)
- Alexander Feldman, Gregory Provan, Rui Abreu, and Johan de Kleer (2015) Model-based diagnosis using component model ensembles
In Proceedings of the Ninth IFAC Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety of Technical Processes (SAFEPROCESS'15), pages 1-6
(pdf) (bibtex)
- Matthew Klenk, Johan de Kleer, Daniel Bobrow, Bill Janssen (2014) Qualitative Reasoning with Modelica Models
Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence
(pdf) (bibtex)
- Matthew Klenk, Daniel Bobrow, Johan de Kleer, Bill Janssen (2014) Making Modelica Applicable for Formal Methods
Proceedings of the 10th International Modelica Conference
(pdf) (bibtex)
- Zsolt Lattmann, Adrian Pop, Johan de Kleer, Peter Fritzson, Bill Janssen, Sandeep Neema, Ted Bapty, Xenofon Koutsoukos, Matthew Klenk, Daniel Bobrow, Bhaskar Saha, Tolga Kurtoglu(2014) Verification and design Exploration through Meta tool integration with OpenModelica
Proceedings of the 10th International Modelica Conference
(pdf) (bibtex)
- Matthew Klenk, Johan de Kleer, Daniel G. Bobrow Bill Janssen, (2013) Using Modelica Models for Qualitative Reasoning
Procexedings of the 27th Annual Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning (QR13)
(pdf) (bibtex)
- Shekhar Gupta,
Christian Fritz,
Bob Price,
Roger Hoover,
Johan de Kleer,
Cees Witteveen (2013) ThroughputScheduler: Learning to Schedule on Heterogeneous Hadoop
10th International Conference on Autonomic Computing
(pdf) (bibtex)
- Shekhar Gupta,
Nico Roos,
Cees Witteveen,
Bob Price,
Johan de Kleer
(2012) Exploiting Shared Resource Dependencies in Spectrum Based Plan Diagnosis
Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth Conference on Artificial Intelligence
(pdf) (bibtex)
- Matthew Klenk, Johan de Kleer, Daniel G. Bobrow, Sungwook Yoon, John Hanley, Bill Janssen (2012) Guiding and Verifying Early Design Using Qualitative Simulation Proceedings of the ASME 2012 IDETC and CIE (pdf) (bibtex)
- Matthew Klenk, Daniel G. Bobrow, Johan de Kleer, John Hanley, Bill Janssen (2012) Placing Qualitative Reasoning in the Design Process Proceedings of the 26th Annual Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning (QR12) (pdf) (bibtex)
- Daniel G. Bobrow, Matthew Klenk, Johan de Kleer, John Hanley, Bill Janssen John Hanley (2012)
Challenges for qualitative reasoning for engineering design Proceedings of the 26th Annual Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning (QR12) (pdf) (bibtex)
Hinrichs, R.T., Forbus, K.D., de Kleer, J., Yoon, S., Jones, E., Hyland, R.
and Wilson, J. (2011) Hybrid Qualitative Simulation of Military
Operations, IAAI 2011. (pdf)
Kuhn, L., de Kleer,J. and Liu, J. (2009) Online Model-based
Diagnosis for Multiple, Intermittent and Interaction Faults, PHM 2009. (pdf)
- Liu, J. Kuhn, L. and de Kleer, J. (2009)
Computationally Efficient
Tiered Inference for Multiple Fault Diagnosis, PHM-2009 (pdf).
- Liu, J.,
Kuhn, L. and de Kleer, J. (2009) Pervasive Model Adaptation:
Integration of Planning and Information Gathering in Dynamic Production
Systems, ICAPS 2009. (pdf)
- de Kleer, J. (2009)
Diagnosing Multiple Persistent and
Intermittent Faults, DX 2007, IJCAI-2009. (pdf)
- Schmidt, T., Kuhn, L., Price, B., de Kleer, J. and Zhou, R. (2009)
Depth-First Approach to Target-Value Search, SOCS 2009. (pdf)
- Feldman, A., and Provan, G., and de Kleer, J. and van Gemund, A. (2009)
Automated Redesign with the General Redesign Engine, SARA 2009. (pdf)
- de Kleer, J. Kuhn, K., Liu, J., Price, B., Do, M., and Zhou, R. (2009)
Continuously Estimating Persistent and Intermittent Failure Probabilities,
SafeProcess 2009, pp. 1312-1317 (pdf)
- Kurtoglu, T., Narasimhan, S., Poll, S., Garcia, D., Kuhn, L., de Kleer, J.,
van Gemund, J. and Feldman, A. (2009) First International Diagnosis
Competition DXC09, DX 2009. (pdf)
- Kurtoglu, T., Narasimhan, S., Poll, S., Garcia, D., Kuhn, L., de Kleer, J.,
van Gemund, J. and Feldman, A. (2009) Towards a Framework for Evaluating and
Comparing Diagnosis Algorithms, DX-2009. (pdf)
- de Kleer, J., Forbus, K.D., Hinrichs, T., Yoon, S. and Jones, E.K. (2009)
Factored Envisioning, QR-2009, 2009. (pdf)
- Liu,
J. de Kleer, J., Lukas, K., Price, B. and Zhou, R. (2008) A
Unified Information Criterion for Evaluating Probe and Test Selection, PHM 2008. (pdf)
Kuhn, L., Price B., de Kleer, J., Do, M.. and Zhou, R.
(2008) Pervasive Diagnosis: Integration of Active Diagnosis into
Production Plans, DX 2008, AAAI 2008 (pdf)
- de Kleer, J., Price, B., Kuhn, L., Do, M. and Zhou
, R. (2008) A framework for continuously estimating persistent and
intermittent failure probabilities, DX-2008. (pdf)
Kuhn, L., Price, B., de Kleer, J. and Do, M. and Zhou, R.
(2008) Pervasive Diagnosis: The Integration of Diagnostic Goals into
Production Plans, AAAI 2008 (pdf)
Kuhn, L., Price B., de Kleer, J., Schmidt, T., Do, M.. and Zhou, R.
(2008) Heuristic Search for Target-Value Path Problem,
AAAI-WS-08-10. (pdf)
Kuhn, L. and de Kleer, J. (2008) An integrated
approach to qualitative model-based diagnosis, QR-2008. (pdf)
- de Kleer, J. (2008)
An Improved Approach for Generating Max-Fault
Min-Cardinality Diagnoses, DX-2008. (pdf)
- de Kleer, J. (2008)
Using Model-Based Diagnosis for Bayesian Inference,
DX-2008. (pdf)
- de Kleer, J. (2007) Troubleshooting unintended temporal
behavior, DX-2007. (pdf)
- de Kleer, J. (2007)
Dynamic domain abstraction through
meta-diagnosis, SARA-2008. (pdf)
- de Kleer, J. (2006) Improving probability estimates to lower diagnostic
costs, DX 2006. (pdf)
- de Kleer, J.
(2006) Modeling when connections are the problem, QR-2006.
(pdf) IJCAI-2007 (pdf)
- de Kleer, J. and Kurien, J. (2003) Fundamentals of model-based
diagnosis, SafeProcess 2003 (to appear). (pdf)
- de Kleer, J., Raiman, O. (1995) Trading off the costs of inference vs.
probing in diagnosis, IJCAI-95, pp. 1736-1741 (ps)
- Raiman, O. and de Kleer, J., and Saraswat, V.J. (1993) Critical
Reasoning. IJCAI-93, pp. 18-23
- de Kleer, J. and Raiman, O. (1993) How to diagnose with very little
information. Fourth International Workshop on Principles of Diagnosis,
pp. 160-165. (ps)
- de Kleer, J. (1992) An improved incremental algorithm for
generating prime implicates, AAAI-92, pp. 780-785
- Raiman, O., and de Kleer, J. (1992):,A minimality maintenance system. KR-1992,
pp. 532-538
- de Kleer, J. (1991) Focusing on probable diagnoses, AAAI-91, pp.
- Raiman, O., de Kleer, J. and Saraswat, V.J., and Shirley, M. (1991)
non-intermittent faults. AAAI-91, pp. 849-854
- de Kleer, J. (1990) Exploiting Locality in a TMS, AAAI-90,
pp.264-271 (scanned
- de Kleer, Johan, Mackworth A. K., and Reiter, R. (1990) Characterizing Diagnoses.
AAAI-90, pp.: 324-330 (revised
scanned pdf) and in Expert Systems in Engineering, Gottlob, G. and Nejdl,
W. (Eds.), pp. 1-15.
- de Kleer, J. and Williams, B.C. (1989) Diagnosis with Behavioral Modes,
IJCAI-89, pp. 1324-1330 (scanned
- de Kleer, J. (1989) A comparison of ATMS and CSP techniques,
IJCAI-89, pp. 290-296 (scanned
- de Kleer, J. (1988) A general labeling algorithm for assumption-based truth
maintenance, AAAI-88, pp. 188-192. (revised
scanned pdf)
- Forbus, K.D., and de Kleer, J. (1988) Focusing the ATMS, AAAI-88,
pp. 193-198
(pdf) (bibtex)
- Dixon, M. and de Kleer, J. (1988) Massively Parallel Assumption-Based Truth Maintenance,
AAAI-88, pp.199-204. Also in, NMR-88, pp.131-142. (scanned
- Reiter, R., and de Kleer, J. (1987) Foundations of Assumption-based Truth Maintenance Systems: Preliminary Report,
AAAI-87, pp. 183-189 (scanned
- de Kleer, J. and Williams, B.C. (1986) Reasoning about Multiple Faults,
AAAI-86, pp. 132-139.
- de Kleer, J. and Williams, B.C. (1986) Back to Backtracking: Controlling the ATMS,
AAAI-86, pp. 910-917. (scanned
- de Kleer, J. (1984) Choices without backtracking, AAAI-84, pp.79-85
- de Kleer, J. and Bobrow, D.G. (1984) Qualitative Reasoning With Higher-Order Derivatives,
AAAI-84, pp. 86-91.
de Kleer, J. and Brown, J.S. (1984) A Framework
for Qualitative Physics, Proceedings
of the Sixth Annual Conference of the
Cognitive Science Society, pp. 11-18 (scanned
- Brown, J.S. and de Kleer, J. (1983) The Origin, Form, and Logic of Qualitative Physical Laws,
IJCAI-83, pp. 1158-1169. (scanned
- de Kleer, J. and Brown, J.S. (1982) Foundations of Envisioning,
AAAI-82, pp. 434-437. (revised
scanned pdf)
de Kleer, J. and Brown, J.S. (1982) Some Issues
on Mechanistic Mental Models,
of the Fourth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science
Society. (scanned
de Kleer, J. (1981) Towards a Theory of
Qualitative Reasoning about Mechanisms and its role in Troubleshooting,
Proceedings of the NATO Symposium on
Human Detection and Diagnosis of
System Failures, Plenum, 1981.
- de
Kleer, J. (1979) The origin and resolution of ambiguities in causal
arguments, IJCAI-79 (scanned
- de Kleer, J. (1977) Multiple representations of knowledge in a
mechanics problem-solver, IJCAI-77, pp. 299-304. (scanned
de Kleer, J. Doyle, J., Steele, G.L. and Sussman,
G.J. (1977) Explicit Control of Reasoning, in
Proceedings of the Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Programming
Languages. Also in MIT Perspective. (scanned.pdf)
Shiwali Mohan, Wiktor Piotrowski, Roni Stern, Sachin Grover, Sookyung Kim, Jacob Le, and Johan de Kleer (2023) A Domain-Independent Agent Architecture for Adaptive Operation in Evolving Open Worlds CoRR abs/2306.06272, (2023). DOI:https://doi.org/10.48550/ARXIV.2306.06272
(pdf) (bibtex)
- Ion Matei and
Johan de Kleer and
Christoforos Somarakis and
Rahul Rai and
John S. Baras (2020)
Interpretable machine learning models: a physics-based view arXiv
(pdf) (bibtex)
- Ion Matei and
Johan de Kleer and
Alexander Feldman and
Rahul Rai and
Souma Chowdhury (2020)
Hybrid modeling: Applications in real-time diagnosis arXiv
(pdf) (bibtex)
- Johan de Kleer, Alexander Feldman and Ion Matei (2019)
Correcting Design Errors in Components and Connections Updated version of DX 2018 paper "The Duality of Design and Diagnosis"
- de Kleer, J. (1994) A Hybrid-Truth Maintenance System, PARC Tech
Report, 1994. (pdf)
- de Kleer, J. (1985) Book review: F. Hayes-Roth, D.A. Waterman and D.B. Lenat, Building Expert
Systems, Artificial Intelligence 25 (1) pp. 105-107
- de Kleer, J. (1984) Book review: E.A. Feigenbaum and P. McCorduck, The Fifth Generation: Artificial Intelligence and Japan's Computer Challenge to the
World, Artificial Intelligence 22 (2) pp. 222-226
- de Kleer, J. (1984) AI Approaches to Troubleshooting, Artificial
Intelligence in Maintenance: Proceedings of the Joint Services Workshop,
pp. 83-94. (scanned
de Kleer, J. (1979) Causal and Teleological
Reasoning in Circuit Recognition, MIT TR-529, 1979.
de Kleer, J. (1978) Causal Reasoning and Rationalization in Electronics,
MIT AI Lab Memo 499 (scanned
de Kleer, J. (1977) A Theory of Plans for
Electronic Circuits, MIT AI Lab Working Paper 144. (scanned
de Kleer, J. (1976) Local Methods of Localizing
Faults in Electronic Circuits, MIT.AI Lab Memo 394, 1976. (scanned
de Kleer, J. (1975) Qualitative and Quantitative
Knowledge in Classical Mechanics, MIT.
AI Lab Technical Report 352.
de Kleer, J. (1975) Qualitative and Quantitative
Knowledge in Classical Mechanics: Proposal, MIT.
AI Lab Working Paper 88. (scanned
de Kleer, J., Dixon, M. and Lamping, J. (1988) Massively
parallel propositional reasoning, US Patent US5088048: